Over 6,000 reading opportunities!
Free Library Membership
Books, including: fiction, biography, young adult, children, Christian authors, westerns, how-to books, and large print.
Free E-Books for library members.
Great selection of paperbacks with paperback exchange.
Wonderful selection of small children's books with table and chairs for reading or browsing.
Genealogy studies with Adrian Blackhawk Annuals, Crescent Hill Cemetery records, books on the History of Adrian, Plat books, etc.
Local papers and magazines for reading in the library.
Proctoring is available for students who need to test. Contact Joyce Walsh for information.
Children's Summer Reading Program
Read to the Dog & Story Time
Walking Books Program for shut-ins
Friends of the Library- supporting the library with a donation of $25 per year.
​Four computers available with DSL connection free use for library members
Free Wi-fi for laptops
- - click "Adrian Community Library" at checkout when buying from Amazon and 5 cents will be donated to the library.
Book Club​
Meets at Wimfields on the third Thursday evening of every month at 6pm. Come for spirited discussion of books on a variety of topics.
Twisted Stitches- knitting and crocheting class- free every Tuesday morning at 9am (bring your own materials).
Computer Info Classes- Free (learn how to use a computer, send email, tablet questions, etc.) Thursdays 9-11am.